Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

Hey guys! :) Hope you all had a great weekend like I did. Got to spend it with my favorite men.

Me and my dad and my dumb bowl head.. haha. My mom thought it was cute. I look like a boy!

 Friday night we kept it mellow. J accompanied me to Target to print some pics for my Fathers day gifts for my Dad & Grandpa. So after I did that and spent too much $ on other crap I DIDN'T  really need we rented a movie, got some food and chillaxed. We rented that Ashton Kutcher, Natalie Portman movie "No Strings Attached". I def do not recommend it. I mean I knew it was going to be a bit sexual but man.. the whole damn movie was SEX!.. haha. For me it was just very boring, we didn't even finish it.

Saturday we had breakfast at Mimi's Cafe for my Nane ( Dads dad). My uncles, aunt, and cuz were there too so it was really nice to see everyone. I think Mimi's has to be my #1 fave spot fro breakfast. The orange juice is so good and all the food is too. I framed a picture for my Nane of us together when I was 2 years old. When he opened it he got all teary eyed. When I saw that I had to force myself not to cry even though my lip started quivering lol. I felt it coming but I kept it in. I love my Nane so much and always get so sad thinking that hes getting older. Hes 87 years old and he still looks GRRREAT!!! I hope hes around for many, many more years:)
Me & My Nane:) 26 years ago. Cant believe how fast time flies!

Sis, Nane, Me

Nane and all his kids:)

Grandma, Cuz, Nane, Cuz Girlfriend

 That night we hung out with friends. Went to Fridays for a bit and Mill Creek. I used to love it there when it was TB Scott's. The crowd there now is not that great but J's friends ex works there so she hooks us up;)

J's friend Sean insisted on making me a zombie on his phone..haha.  Kinda cool! Think I'm gonna download this app

Me, Becky , Jess. Oh and J in the back. He looks so funny!

Sunday was Fathers day.. We took my Dad to lunch to a Mexican restaurant in Pomona. So YUMMYYY! Got me the shrimp enchiladas... they're my fave:) After we hung out I went to J's to hang out. I finally got to meet his new niece Zoe. Shes sooo cute!!! As soon as I got there Jamie (Zoe's mama) was trying to get me to hold her. I couldn't do it:( I started feeling all nervous.. She just looked way too tiny and I was way to scared to carry her. Next time I'm going to force myself to get over my fear. Ive always been that way. I wont carry a newborn. I don't know I mean I'm going to have kids so I have to get over it. The rest of the day I watched TV while J did his reports, I helped him study,got some frozen yogurt, shaved his head, then cuddled him as much as I could before I left.  Hes going to have a very hard week this week. Mon, Wed, Fri he has Physical training for 3 hours each day.. Omg!!!! My poor boy is gonna be worn out. I can already see the difference in him. Losing weight and his arms are getting huge:) I LOVE IT! he he;) Anyways sad the weekend is over and I had another day of work today. Went by fast though so now I'm home and I'm going to try to workout in a bit. Hope you all had a fab weekend like I did!!!

At lunch with our Papa:)

This day I liked her..We have a love/hate relationship sometimes lol

Our Sunday Fun day

Getting his sexy on ;)


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend :) I love holding little babies.. I can't wait to hold my own!! I haven't been to Mimi's cafe in SO long, and I love it there too :( I saw that movie No Strings Attached too, and thought the same thing.. Alot of sex.. But the end ended up being cute :)

    p.s. I thought the same thing about my new shoes.. I didn't get one picture of them.. But I will, and I'll post 'em later :)

  2. Fun weekend! Glad you got to spend time with your families! We usually do, but not this time - I kind of felt guilty ditching them, but it was fun with just our little family so all is good =) I liked the movie! Will wouldn't watch it, so I had ME time & watched it alone =) Hope you have a good week & hope J doesn't get too worn out this week with his training stuff - geez that sounds intense! Poor guy! Talk soon! =) xo
