Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More Good News:)

So my job search has come to an end AGAIN.. hehe:) I  got a job at a day spa right next to my  house. It takes me less than 5 min to get there! Its not exactly what I wanted but I'm going to see how it is and if its for me. The manager said he wanted to bring me in to be his Assistant/Front office. He explained to me that's hes trying to expand and organize his payroll, inventory etc. So that's where he wants me to come in and help. I'm just very grateful something came up. Its not the pay that I was hoping for but any kind of $ coming in has to do for now. Oh.. and ill be working some weekends so Jenn is not very happy about that..lol Slowly but surely things are coming together and I feel very thankful right now.

The only thing that isn't so great for me right now is my living situation. I love, love my parents but man we've been fighting alot lately. I just get really aggravated having to explain myself for every single aspect of my life. I'm 27 years old! I know I still live at home and they have certain rights to ask me about some things but other things I feel like its none of their business. I prob sound real mean right now but that's just how I feel sometimes.  Plus we just got in a fight so I'm just venting a litlle bit. . Some days are great and others not so much. Everything else is peachy. J and I are better than ever and I'm just excited for him to get this academy going so we can get it going with the wedding plans already.. he he:)We still talk about it all the time but I know he wants to be set with his work situation:)

So just an update of my life. This past weekend I didnt take any pics.. I had a date night with J Friday and a slumber party Sat at my house with a girlfriend then brunch with girlfriends Sunday. Pretty much my weekend. Hope you all had a great weekend too.

Date night Friday:)


  1. Congrats!!!Yah, working weekends stinks. Rich and I worked every Friday and Saturday night forever, and Sundays too as servers- that's the business tho I guess. It was always better money so that helped. We just switched our hanging out time to midnight- about 3 am or however long we could last lol! Oh well, it's a job, it'll be nice to have the cash again :) you might love it! Praying for everything to go really well for you! I'm so excited for Justin! Well, kinda lol! Sounds like no fun but overall a good thing when it's all over. It's a step closer to your future together! :) Sorry about the parents. I get that you are older now, I remember that feeling, and I was in my early twenties even! As a parent now, it's getting a little easier for me to understand how it's hard to be a parent for so long and then just turn that concern and guidance off. Your relationship with your parents will get better when you aren't living there anymore, it'll be easier for them to see you as an adult- just be patient and hang in there :) Have a great week! :)

  2. Although I must say, even when you move out, get married, and have kids of your own, they STILL have a hard time getting that it's your decisions and consequences sometimes lol! But it's all in love I'm sure :)

  3. Thanks Jamie. I know most parents are like that its just annoying sometimes. Actually just found out Im going to have every Saturday off but work every Sunday:( Sucks too because now thaT Justin is starting the academy hes going to have weekends off. Go figure lol. Oh well. Nice to know other couples go through the same thing. Hope to see you soon:)

  4. Congrats Jenn on the job! I can totally relate to what you are going through...and Jamie is totally right even when you move out they still tend to butt in a little bit...good luck though and I cannot wait to see yours & J's wedding plans. ;)
