Friday, September 9, 2011


Feels so good to even type out those words:) Yes, J and I got engaged over this past holiday weekend!
I feel like Ive had this permanent smile on me all week. Ive only imagined of what this moment would feel like and its so much better that what I imagined..


J took me away to San Diego last weekend to get away. We spent the weekend shopping, enjoying the water, watching bands, eating, romantical time;), and time with friends. We spent most of the days with our friends at this cool camp ground in San Diego. They had EVERYTHING there. A beach, shops, horseshoes, fun water activities, bikes. Just so much fun:)

Sunday night after a day of playing we went back to the hotel around 8.  I got clean and put my comfy sweats on and relaxed.. It was still early so I suggested we go take a walk around the hotel. Our hotel had these really nice rose gardens, gazebos, and it was just a really nice night to walk around. So.. we headed out for our walk( me with no makeup, pony tail..not so cute! ).

After about 20 or so min J asked if I wanted to hang in the gazebo, so as i walked in to sit I turned back around and there he was.. ON HIS KNEE! It was happening!!! I couldn't believe it... even though I felt it was coming it was still a complete surprise to me that he decided to do it right then and there. I didn't even see him get the ring from his bag.. Sneaky  I wish I could remember exactly what he said but I was shaking so bad and nervous I cant remember all of All I remember is him saying " I was gonna do this tomorrow, but I couldn't wait any longer, I love you and want u to be my wife. Will you marry me?". I jumped up and said yes and squeezed him so tight!!!!.. Ive never seen Justin so nervous before too. It was tooo cute:)

Right away I called my mom, and my bestie. Cried with my mama and then cried with my bestie. Thats how you know someone is truly happy for you. They share the happiness you have and they're as excited for you as if it was happening to them. Lucky to have my  best friend who truly cares for me. The next couple hours were full of calls and texts and of course fb comments on my announcement. We felt so loved!!:)

So now here we are ENGAGED and already planning our wedding. We have appointments this weekend already to look at places to have it at. Trying to get the ball rolling, so we can figure out the date and start getting things on their way:) J wants to get married a lil sooner than I thought but If we find something for around the time he wants it I'm just gonna have to suck it up and plan like a mad 

So wish me luck on the planning, learning how to cook, and losing some weight..haha! Wonder how many of these things I will be successful at??? he he;)

Just a quick recap. I know I have much more to blog about but this girl be sleepy :)

Wish I would've taken one in the sun. It sparkles like crazyyy:)

Soon to be MR. & Mrs. Smallwood:)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Some Ramblings:)

Yes..I know I've been a bad blogger!..I convinced my bestie Barbie to start her blog a few months ago when I was more in to blogging and now the roles have reversed. She was never really into it and now she is OBSESSED with it..haha..( Love u Bestie). I just haven't had any time lately. I feel like I have so much to share with you but right now its just going to be a small post. Here's some things that have made me happy this past week! :)

1- I'm actually getting into the groove of my new job. Still learning new things but now I'm doing more and more things on my own and I'm enjoying it. The 10 hour shifts  don't even bother me. It goes by so fast because I'm so busy all day.  Only thing that sucks is I feel like I have no time to catch up on my Fb life and my celeb gossip! :( haha

2- Getting paid every week!-  I love it:)  These past 2 paychecks Ive gone a bit crazy and spoiled myself. Yesterday I enjoyed a nice manicure and Facial. Ive never had a full on Facial and boy did I love it!!! My skin looks and feels brand new:)

3- Church- Ive been going to church every Sunday now for the past month and a half:) I feel like God has blessed me and given me some sense of peace and extreme happiness in my life because of that.

4- My Mom & Dad- Lately we've been getting along soo good:)

5- Justin- Weve both been stressed a lil lately but I know that because we have each other it makes it easier for us and for that I love him sooo much! :)

Just a few things that have been going on. We leave in about 2 hours for San Diego this beautiful Labor Day weekend. I feel like we both need it and I'm so excited to just  get away. We found out too that some friends will be out there too so we will be visiting with them. I promise to catch up on your blogs soon.. This gal has been busy busy and I'm not allowed to blog or fb at work..BOOO!!!! Have a great weekend everyone!:)