Thursday, June 30, 2011

This & That..

Been a bad blogger lately. Haven't been home much and been real busy. The weekend was great spent with J and had some friend time last week and this week and work in between. Here's a few pictures of last week and this week. Enjoy:)

Enjoying the sun last week with my friend Alex:)

She made me a yummy Margarita:)

Her new puppy Cash. I love him so much already..he he:)

Magic Mountain

Took my camera on the fun!

Eating lunch. Bought a new shirt because I was so sweaty and getting tan lines= no bueno!

End of the day= Sweaty Mess!!! haha

So last week I finally decided that my bday in September will be spent in LAS VEGAS.. Wohoooo!!! I made hotel reservation already too so its OFFICIAL.  I'm a bit sad that J cant  go because he will still be in the academy and probably have to be doing reports, studying, etc..  Plus our 2 year Anniversary is the following weekend so I'm hoping we can do something fun then:) We have made it a girls trip  and I'm soo excited!! September cant come soon enough.

Hope you guys have a great Holiday weekend and Ill be back

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

Hey guys! :) Hope you all had a great weekend like I did. Got to spend it with my favorite men.

Me and my dad and my dumb bowl head.. haha. My mom thought it was cute. I look like a boy!

 Friday night we kept it mellow. J accompanied me to Target to print some pics for my Fathers day gifts for my Dad & Grandpa. So after I did that and spent too much $ on other crap I DIDN'T  really need we rented a movie, got some food and chillaxed. We rented that Ashton Kutcher, Natalie Portman movie "No Strings Attached". I def do not recommend it. I mean I knew it was going to be a bit sexual but man.. the whole damn movie was SEX!.. haha. For me it was just very boring, we didn't even finish it.

Saturday we had breakfast at Mimi's Cafe for my Nane ( Dads dad). My uncles, aunt, and cuz were there too so it was really nice to see everyone. I think Mimi's has to be my #1 fave spot fro breakfast. The orange juice is so good and all the food is too. I framed a picture for my Nane of us together when I was 2 years old. When he opened it he got all teary eyed. When I saw that I had to force myself not to cry even though my lip started quivering lol. I felt it coming but I kept it in. I love my Nane so much and always get so sad thinking that hes getting older. Hes 87 years old and he still looks GRRREAT!!! I hope hes around for many, many more years:)
Me & My Nane:) 26 years ago. Cant believe how fast time flies!

Sis, Nane, Me

Nane and all his kids:)

Grandma, Cuz, Nane, Cuz Girlfriend

 That night we hung out with friends. Went to Fridays for a bit and Mill Creek. I used to love it there when it was TB Scott's. The crowd there now is not that great but J's friends ex works there so she hooks us up;)

J's friend Sean insisted on making me a zombie on his phone..haha.  Kinda cool! Think I'm gonna download this app

Me, Becky , Jess. Oh and J in the back. He looks so funny!

Sunday was Fathers day.. We took my Dad to lunch to a Mexican restaurant in Pomona. So YUMMYYY! Got me the shrimp enchiladas... they're my fave:) After we hung out I went to J's to hang out. I finally got to meet his new niece Zoe. Shes sooo cute!!! As soon as I got there Jamie (Zoe's mama) was trying to get me to hold her. I couldn't do it:( I started feeling all nervous.. She just looked way too tiny and I was way to scared to carry her. Next time I'm going to force myself to get over my fear. Ive always been that way. I wont carry a newborn. I don't know I mean I'm going to have kids so I have to get over it. The rest of the day I watched TV while J did his reports, I helped him study,got some frozen yogurt, shaved his head, then cuddled him as much as I could before I left.  Hes going to have a very hard week this week. Mon, Wed, Fri he has Physical training for 3 hours each day.. Omg!!!! My poor boy is gonna be worn out. I can already see the difference in him. Losing weight and his arms are getting huge:) I LOVE IT! he he;) Anyways sad the weekend is over and I had another day of work today. Went by fast though so now I'm home and I'm going to try to workout in a bit. Hope you all had a fab weekend like I did!!!

At lunch with our Papa:)

This day I liked her..We have a love/hate relationship sometimes lol

Our Sunday Fun day

Getting his sexy on ;)

Friday, June 17, 2011

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week...

1. Working out- This week I worked out 4Xs.. :) Yayyy me! I weighed myself yesterday morning and back to my normal weight. I had gained 3 pounds the past 2 weeks and i felt fat!

2. Having a dinner date with J on Wednesday- We went to Applebees and i ordered a yummy steak dinner and it was only 500 calories.. That's going to be my new meal there now

3. Getting things done- I had the day off Thursday and it felt nice to get so much stuff done I was lagging on. One thing esp. was cleaning my room. It was so dusty and messy. I spent like 3 hours cleaning it and now it looks beautiful:)

4.Working- Its just nice to have a job right now. I get paid next week too so that feel real good too

5. Eating healthier- I must say I did real good this week. I had Subway 3xs and ate alot of chicken. I'm looking forward to having a cheat day either tonight or tom:)

6. Words With Friends- I'm addicted.. I love it! Ive gotten so much better than when I first started. I used to feel real stupid playing before...haha

7. My Boyfriend- This week he has been EXTRA mushy with me. I mean hes always nice and sweet but this week was over the top.. He said that being in the academy makes him miss me more. Awwww... I LOVE HIM! :)

8. Getting my Bridesmaid dress for my Besties wedding- I went today to get it. Its super cute and cant wait till October 1st to be part of my Besties big day:)

9. My TV Shows- This week was alot of catching up on my shows. A new show I'm really enjoying is Teen Wolf on MTV.. I love it! It reminds me of like a Vampire Diaries or even True Blood( my #1 fave show)

10. My sis doing my nails- She decorated my nails with cute polka dots. So now they don't look so plain:) Thanks Sis!

Messy Room!

Clean Room-:)

Blondie & Baldy.. he he:)

Just a few things that made me happy this week. This weekend is Fathers day and I'm excited to see my Nane( Grandpa) tomorrow for breakfast at Mimi's Cafe ( LOVE IT), and spending some time with my Dad Sunday. Also excited to be with J.. Hope you all have a great weekend!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

This & That & many of my Ramblings..

Hmmmmm.. This post is gonna be a lil of everything, glad I have this blog to vent and just share some haps with whats going on.

This week has been super busy for me. I was very happy because It got me back in the swing of things and not being a lazy ass. I still  kinda feel like a lazy ass because I haven't had the time to work out:( I only worked out once last week and with the way I have been eating I'm scared to get on the scale. I told myself only good eating this week and working out at least 3x this week. So hopefully I go through with it. I worked 4 days this week and I'm happy because that means Ill get a very nice check next week. I left the spa (yes I know that was fast) and decided to work part-time with my dad because ill be making way more with him and even though its part-time I'm still making more combined with working more days at the spa. I'm not really sure how long this job with my dad is going to be but meanwhile I'm looking for work. I need an office job. I didn't care for the spa and I know its a job but I'm still going to keep looking for something that WORKS for me:)

This week was also very busy because my hunny was off all week so of course on my off days and after work I got to spend it with him. I was trying to enjoy as much time with him during the week as I can because starting tomorrow there will be no more of that for awhile. We will have our weekends together and some days during the week but he will be doing reports, studying, when I visit during the week so I decided to give him most weeknights to himself. I want him to concentrate on his studies and I know Its going to be a  hard not seeing him but I know its going to pay off for BOTH of us in the long run. No complains or bitching from me even though I know Ill want to because we wont have that time for us anymore lol.

The goodies we smuggled in Monday night to watch Bridesmaids:)

J and his niece on Thurs.. They are so cute together:)

Cutie Patootie:)

Love those lights at LAX. We dropped off J's friend Sean at the airport Wed night:)

Tuesday night  J's parents and I attended his orientation for the academy. It was basically an orientation for loved ones of the trainees letting them know what to expect, the challenges, and how to help them during these next 6 months. We watched a video of all the things they would be doing and of course tears came to my eyes. To tell you the absolute truth I'm incredibly nervous and scared. I think of J being out as a patrol cop and it scares the crap out of me!!! I know that most likely he wont do that and he will decide to stay in the jails when this is over and I pray everyday that's what happens. I don't want to lose him out there in the violent streets. That man is my WORLD and I don't know what I would do without him. I find myself having dreams now of something bad happening and I have to keep praying to God that this is his will and he will watch over J. Enough sad stuff... Just pray that J's first week goes by smoothly:)


Waitress brought J a brownie sundae to congratulate him.. Soo yummm!!!

This weekend was mellow. We had a game night Friday night at my girlfriend Alex and her boyfriend Jesse's apt. Saturday we had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (My fave) then we did some shopping at M.A.C ( for me ) and Macy's for J. After that we rented a movie, played trouble , then passed out. Sunday we went to church, and ran errands most of the day. J had alot of last min stuff to get. I later shaved his head( AGAIN ), helped him study with flash cards, then watch the Mavs beat out Miami ( I was very happy about that). I just got home and now its time to get stuff together for work tomorrow.  Hope you all had a great weekend and hoping for a great update on J's academy.. Stay Tuned:)

LOTERIA (like a Spanish Bingo) haha

Mira won the Pot!

Pretty view while eating dinner Sat

Just got my hair did Fri:) Was rushing so I had a boring pony..


Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Weekend

Fri night was low key.. J and I went to MIGUEL'S, then I shaved his head :(( for the academy he has to have it short) , then TV , then mi mis time.

Saturday morning we found out J's brother had his baby! They named her Zoe Marie. Was actually very happy to hear they named her that because J said that if we ever had a girl he wanted the middle name to be after his moms middle name which is Marie. I didn't really want it to be because that's his exes name So thanks Rich & Jamie for naming her that so now I can name our future baby something else..hehe:)

Saturday night we went to J's friends Steve and Becky's house for a party..  We had a great time. I always love hanging out with these group of people. They re the most fun!! :)
His bald My bra out too.. oh well!


Dancing time

No explanation

My hurr is getting so long. Getting it done this week.. FINALLY:)


Gettin low


Today J's family had a BBQ and that was yummy, then we took our usual Sunday nap. Tonight is J's last weekend of work!! :) I'm so happy. Looking forward to having our Sunday beach days. Hope you all had a great weekend and that's all for now...